April 2005 Newsletter

Well folks. That was Alan Beecham. What a twister. As we all saw, you need a lot of patience to do this kind of work and strong wrists as it is mostly hand work after turning the wood to a cylinder. He started off his show though with some turned pieces that he had done with his own design skewchigouge and pointed out the differences between three items that should be identical but weren't because of differences in the shape of the beads. Surprise, surprise, he had some skewchigouges for sale. And they all went!

I tried to follow the sequence for marking out the twist and I will have a go at describing it here. If it's wrong feel free to shoot the secretary but do it gently please!

First turn the square to a cylinder leaving a short section of the square at one end. This will give an accurate guide for when you mark the four horizontal lines. Next mark circles around the diameter, the pitch of these equal to the diameter of the cylinder giving you four sections. Then subdivide these to give you eight. You could go on if you want a tight pitch but I would think it would be difficult to work. Then mark from one end point going diagonally through the bisections to give a spiral along the length of your work. Then move to the next end point and so on. Mark your lines with a different colour to highlight the peaks and troughs so that you don't cut along the wrong lines. The tools you use to cut the twist can vary. Alan used micro planes but these are expensive and wear out quickly, especially if you are using a hard wood. With the hollow twist he first drilled through the center with a 6mm dia. long hole auger and then cut down to it with great care using a carving gouge to make the final cuts. A lot of sanding then took place to finish off. I will let the following photos show you how it all took shape. Before I do that, though, a bit about our next meeting. You will see from your programme that we have got Dave Springett with us for the day. Dave is an international artist in the field of woodturning and has produced books and videos of his work. Probably the most well known is his Woodturning Wizardry. The meeting is on Saturday 9th April and starts at l0am. I'm sure we are going to have a full house so come early to get a parking space and please park tidy.

We have taken space at the Wyvale Garden Centre again this year for Sunday 29th and Monday 30th May in aid of Demelza House. If any one can spare the time to be there for the day to man the stand or has a small lathe they could bring along to do a spell of turning to give life to the stand please let Peter Fuller know. We would also like donations of items to sell so please dig deep into the bin of good but unwanted masterpieces. And that is not all! Is there no end to our begging? Can we have a few items to put up for the raffle. You know the sort of thing. Bottles of wine, boxes of choccies, perhaps a basket of fruit. The event will be advertised in the Woodturning Magazine as well as on local radio. All proceeds will be donated to Demelza House. Last year we raised just over £800.

Can we do it again?
